Visit Eliza Howell Park to picnic, hike, walk your dog, ride your bike and much more!
photo credit - @everydayhopemama
Please note that due to road reconstruction, the City of Detroit anticipates the park will be closed to vehicular traffic from July until September 2023.
23751 Fenkell Street, with the park entrance on Fenkell between Telegraph and Grayfield Street
Transportation and Parking
Free Public parking is available throughout the park and the park can be accessed by public transportation as well. The 275 Smart Bus runs along Telegraph, while the 805 runs one block west along Beech Daly. The DDOT 18 bus runs along Fenkell to Telegraph, while the 43 bus runs along the south end of the park along Schoolcraft to Telegraph. Maps of the DDOT bus routes can be found here, with maps of the Smart Bus routes found here.
Improvements Coming to Eliza Howell Park - Road & Bridge Reconstruction, Park Improvements
Road Reconstruction
The City has recently reconstructed the 1.3 miles road through Eliza Howell Park. Their is now a shared use path with grass/planted median strip separating it from the roadway.
Park Improvements
The city of Detroit will begin it’s master planning process for Eliza Howell Park in the winter of 2025. Check back here for more information. In addition, ground breaking for the new nature inspired playground will begin Summer of 2025. For more info please visit - https://detroitmi.gov/departments/detroit-parks-recreation/parks-and-greenways/regional-parks/eliza-howell-park
photo credit - Mark Schumack
Mountain biking
Dog walking
4 picnic shelters
2 miles of trails
Soccer field with posts
Baseball field
Porta-John (April-November)
Playground for young children
Ample free parking
photo credits - top right, @everydayhopemama; top left, Yoganic Flow; bottom right, @everydayhopemama